Wicked Tuna
Season 13
01. The Herds are Here

After a long winter, its bluefin season again in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The fleet is eager for a paycheck and its not long before theyre on the meat with jumbo tunas. With more catches than ever in Wicked Tuna history, the captains must decide whether to test their luck in Chatham or fish locally.
Air Date: 03/03/2024
02. Early Season Monsters

In the fishiest season Gloucester has seen in years, the fleet battles it out to try and land Bluefin bigger and better than their competition. TJ and Tyler make the run to Maine, betting on the cooler water being the key to landing a jumbo. Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet fishes local, hoping that staying in their comfort zone is the right strategy.
Air Date: 03/10/2024
03. We're Not Quitters!

Stress levels rise on Hard Merchandise as they struggle to catch their first fish. Marciano hates crowds, but thats where the fish are. Son Joe and nephew Jay propose a new strategy, but will Dave be too stubborn to listen? In this fierce competition, one monster bluefin can change the game, and tensions ramp up as captains grow territorial over their best fishing spots.
Air Date: 03/17/2024
04. Maine or Bust!

Captain Michelle Bancewicz of the No Limits takes a huge risk traveling ninety miles in the hopes of finally catching their first blue fin tuna of the season. Proving theyll do whatever it takes to get a paycheck, the No Limits finally lands a 105-inch blue fin. Closer to Gloucester, F/V Tuna Dot Com strikes blue gold on crowded fishing grounds with the heaviest fish of the season so far.
Air Date: 03/24/2024
05. Last Chance for Chatham

Captain TJ Ott of the Hot Tuna returns to Chatham and lands a fish, but questions whether it was worth the long trip. After a heart-breaking loss, Time Flies also goes to Chatham and catches, but with somewhat disappointing results. Close to home, an alliance between F/V Tuna Dot Com and Wicked Pissah proves beneficial to both, especially Captain Paul Hebert, who gets two bluefins.
Air Date: 03/31/2024
Even the Losers Get Lucky Sometimes

The season is off to a fishy start, but two captains struggle to gain ground. Captain Jack Patrician of the Time Flies has been on a tough losing streak as he and mate, Anders Strickland, grapple to find their groove as a new team. Meanwhile Captain Michelle Bancewicz needs to trust her gut instead of following the crowd.
Air Date: 04/07/2024
07. Dangerous Alliance

Halfway through the season, the DotCom, Wicked Pissah alliance continues to be a force to be reckoned when Paul saves Dave from disaster on the water and reaps the good karma that comes with it. Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet pulls out all the stops in hopes of making up ground in the standings before its too late.
Air Date: 04/14/2024
08. To Get It Done, Two is Better Than One

With captains Dave on Dot.com and Paul on Wicked Pissah working together and leading the fleet, middle-of-the-pack Captain Jack and new mate Anders on Time Flies go it alone, gunning for the front runners as they battle monster bluefin. Meanwhile, Tyler on Pinwheel and Marciano on Hard Merchandise form their own alliance seeking to gain an advantage.
Air Date: 04/28/2024
09. Coming in Hot

Former champion Bob Cook on the Fat Tuna sits behind four boats on the leaderboard. With the quota for blue fin tuna season rapidly dwindling, he breaks out of the pack catching two fish and makes a run for the number one position. Meanwhile, the alliance between Wicked Pissah and F/V Tuna Dot Com remains strong and keeps them both at the top of the fleet.
Air Date: 05/05/2024
10. Three-Way Throwdown

With the quota getting smaller everyday, the fleet fights to make big moves. But while Dot Com, Fat Tuna and Wicked Pissah battle for the top, the duo on Pinwheel is hit with a series of hardships. After a brutal loss, Captain Tyler McLaughlin is scratched by his cat, forcing him to seek medical attention and then boat malfunctions keep him stuck on land.
Air Date: 05/12/2024
11. Triple Threat

With the quota rapidly dwindling Fat Tuna fights to hold on to their razor thin lead over Wicked Pissah and DotCom as alliance mates Paul & Dave continue to work together to try and regain the top spot. Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet races to close the gap as they hold out hope for a late season comeback.
Air Date: 05/19/2024
12. End of a Sea Monster Season

In the final days of the season, three former champions Dave Carraro on FV-Tuna.com, Paul Hebert on Wicked Pissah, and Bob Cook on Fat Tuna battle it out for the top spot. But, with monster fish to catch and mega paychecks to cash, its still anybodys game. And one captain proves that when he risks his life to catch two fish in two days and shakes up the ranks by jumping into the final mix.
Air Date: 05/26/2024