Secrets of the Octopus
Social Networkers - Photos

Director and cinematographer, Adam Geiger, and cinematographer, Rory McGuinness, filming an interview with storyteller and cephalopod expert, Dr. Alex Schnell. The team are on board a dive vessel in Port Phillip Bay. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024

Director and cinematographer, Adam Geiger, runs through a dive plan with storyteller and cephalopod expert, Dr. Alex Schnell before entering the water to film octopus in Port Phillip Bay. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024

Left to right: Cinematographer, Rory McGuinness, dive supervisor, Flemming Høyer, and Series Director and DoP, Adam Geiger, completing CCR safety checks to dive and film Day octopus (Octopus cyanea) on the Great Barrier Reef. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024

Secrets of the octopus crew, Ken Holmes, Dr. Alex Schnell, Flemming Høyer, Adam Geiger and Rory McGuinness, discussing plans to film Day octopus on the Great Barrier Reef. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024

The camera room set up at the Lizard Island Research Station on the Great Barrier Reef. Multiple cameras were required each day to film Day octopus out on the reef. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024

An Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) resting on a pier in Port Phillip Bay. Australian fur seals are known to prey upon octopus hiding under and around piers just like this one. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024

Out on the water, under Australia's strong sun, Camera Assistant, Woody Spark, passing an underwater camera system to director and cinematographer, Adam Geiger, so that he can film Day octopus (Octopus cyanea) on the Great Barrier Reef. (photo credit: National Geographic/Harriet Spark)
Episode: #3 "Social Networkers"
Air Date 04/21/2024