Phillip Okode leaning on Murera the elephant. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_03.jpg
Phillip Okode standing next to elephants Murera and Mwana. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_02.jpg
A squirrel running in the snow. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_01.jpg
Theresa Matthews sits in a field with a kangaroo. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_11.jpg
BTS of Suzy Roessel standing on her balcony with a cockatoo. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_05.jpg
Neil Andison stands at edge of the Obi Creek in Australia taking pictures of a platypus. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_04.jpg
Suzy Roessel standing on her balcony with a cockatoo on her arms. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_06.jpg
A cameraman films a cockatoo on the balcony. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_07.jpg
A squirrel in the snow. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_HD_01.jpg
Max the kanagaroo looks into the camera. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_09.jpg
Murera the elephant flapping her ears. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_HD_03.jpg
Murera the elephant eating grass. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_HD_02.jpg
Theresa Matthews being filmed while feeding kangaroos with baby bottles. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_08.jpg
Neil Andison stands next to a camera man at the edge of Obi Creek. (Big Wave Productions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_HD_05.jpg
Jenna Penland holiding George the Vulture. (Big Wave Prodcutions)Episode: #102 "Bandit, Max, and George"Air Date 01/10/2025102_BanditMaxGeorge_MyBestFriendsAnAnimal_HD_04.jpg