
Description: LEGENDS (working title) is an electrifying new competition series that follows the high-stakes world of competitive collegiate Bollywood fusion dance. Filled with rivalry, friendships and upsets, LEGENDS (working title) focuses on two Bollywood fusion dance teams who struggle to balance rigorous academic workloads and parental expectations with their intense drive to win the crown at Legends. The series is produced by Meralta Films, Amplify Pictures and 30WEST.

From Academy Award- and three-time Emmy Award-nominated director Smriti Mundhra (“St. Louis Superman,” “Indian Matchmaking”) and Emmy, Tony, Peabody and Golden Globe® Award-winning producer Joe Lewis (“100 Foot Wave,” “Fleabag”), the six-part series delves into the cultural phenomenon that has swept universities across the United States.

For many Bollywood fusion dancers, the genre has proved an opportunity to express, create and perform on major stages while fostering community with their fellow first- and second-generation South Asian students. Capturing the grueling, ten-hour practice days and the personal sacrifices each dancer has to make, LEGENDS (working title) focuses on the stories of two key squads in pursuit of the national title.

TCA Panelists:

Smriti Mundhra – Executive Producer & Director
Joe Lewis – Executive Producer

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