Emma De Jager bottle feeds Archie the baby pangolin. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_035-668d986fab1f0d244b2b8528.jpg
Adine Roode and Giles Clark looks at the adult orphan herd in the wild. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_058-668d98d23d8f39830759726f.jpg
Emma De Jager, Giles Clark and veterinarian Debbie English fitting a radio tag on an adult pangolin. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_022-668d982a8c2d0bb9f94318ab.jpg
Emma De Jager, Veterinarian Debbie English, and Giles Clark with Archie the baby pangolin. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_026-668d9835edb729c395325529.jpg
Archie the orphan pangolin licks milk off his belly after feeding. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_018-668d982239cec71d2a08c6ec.jpg
Baby Archie the pangolin joins Giles Clark for breakfast. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_029-668d984c0086b4b34fff6dca.jpg
Giles Clark searches for Elektra the pangolin using radio telemetry. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_009-668d97ef39cec71d2a08c68d.jpg
Emma De Jager, Ruan Pretorius, and Giles Clark search for Elektra the pangolin using radio telemetry. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_006-668d97ef4f6ba74b9751b2a1.jpg
Giles Clark feeds Archie the baby pangolin as part of his rehabilitation. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_014-668d980b636fd0043d2a98a1.jpg
Emma De Jager bottle feeds Archie the baby pangolin. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_034-668d986e04c483c4cd2deac0.jpg
Archie the baby pangolin is bottle fed on his blanket (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_031-668d985a636fd0043d2a9923.jpg
Giles Clark searches for Elektra the pangolin using radio telemetry. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_011-668d981304c483c4cd2dea12.jpg
Elephant orphan Phabeni and his sheep friend called Lammie. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_053-668d98bd422bdc96e25f69c9.jpg
Emma De Jager bottle feeds Archie the baby pangolin. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_037-668d986704c483c4cd2deaa4.jpg
Emma De Jager bottle feeds Archie the baby pangolin. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_036-668d986b04c483c4cd2deab4.jpg
Baby Archie the pangolin joins Giles Clark for breakfast. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_030-668d984b39cec71d2a08c731.jpg
Adine Roode and elephant orphan Phabeni in the night enclosure. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_051-668d98b704c483c4cd2deb97.jpg
Emma De Jager, Giles Clark and veterinarian Debbie English with an adult pangolin after it is fitted for a radio telemetry tag. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_021-668d9829422bdc96e25f68c1.jpg
Emma De Jager, Veterinarian Debbie English and Giles Clark fit an adult pangolin for a radio telemetry tag. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_019-668d980dedb729c3953254f8.jpg
Emma De Jager bottle feeds Archie the baby pangolin. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_032-668d9859ab1f0d244b2b84f0.jpg
Giles Clark holds a pangolin radio telemetry tag. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_012-668d980d39cec71d2a08c6c0.jpg
Giles Clark feeds Archie the baby pangolin as part of his rehabilitation. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_013-668d9811636fd0043d2a98b2.jpg
Elephant orphan Phabeni in his night time enclosure. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_056-668d98caab1f0d244b2b85be.jpg
Giles Clark feeds baby Archie the pangolin on the sofa at his house at Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre. (National Geographic/Cherique Pohl)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_027-668d9844edb729c395325545.jpg
Archie the baby pangolin orphan at Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre. (National Geographic/Mark Challender)Posted 09/25/24BabyAnimalRescue_004-668d97ee636fd0043d2a9859.jpg