A drama series based on DC Comics’ acclaimed series of the same name by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra, Y: The Last Man traverses a post-apocalyptic world in which a cataclysmic Event decimates every mammal with a Y chromosome except for one cisgender man and his pet monkey. The series follows the survivors in this new world as they struggle with their efforts to restore what was lost and the opportunity to build something better.
After a mysterious Event wipes out every living creature with a Y chromosome, throwing the world into chaos, “Congresswoman Jennifer Brown” (Diane Lane) rises through a decimated line of succession to become President of the United States. Jennifer assembles a dedicated team of women to rebuild, but her plans are upended when she learns that her son “Yorick” (Ben Schnetzer) survived the Event. Facing massive unrest fueled by widespread conspiracy theories, Jennifer teams up with covert operative “Agent 355” (Ashley Romans) to keep Yorick’s survival a secret and transport him to “Dr. Allison Mann” (Diana Bang), a top geneticist who may be able to discover how he survived. Yorick has other ideas. An old school romantic, he is desperate to find his missing girlfriend “Beth” (Juliana Canfield). As Yorick and 355 hit the road in secret, Jennifer’s political rivals circle, led by “Kimberly Campbell Cunningham” (Amber Tamblyn). Kimberly senses that Jennifer is hiding something and tries to uncover the truth in order to bring her down.
Meanwhile, Jennifer’s daughter “Hero” (Olivia Thirlby), an EMT harboring deep shame and a dark secret, works with her best friend “Sam” (Elliot Fletcher) to find safety in this post-apocalyptic landscape. They join with “Nora Brady” (Marin Ireland), a political advisor struggling to keep her young daughter alive. Together, they encounter a well-organized and ideologically-driven group of survivors led by “Roxanne” (Missi Pyle), a former homicide detective who has become a cult-like figure. As this group becomes more violent and dangerous under Roxanne’s leadership, Hero and Sam’s friendship is tested while Nora begins to see a different path for herself and her daughter.
Eventually, these worlds collide as old alliances crumble and new ones form. The survivors grapple with the identities they clung to before the Event, struggling to reconstruct a sense of self in this new world. As they start to cast aside old rules, norms and traditions, they slowly begin to realize that the old world is gone and never coming back.
Developed for television by Eliza Clark, who serves as showrunner and executive producer along with Nina Jacobson and Brad Simpson, Mari Jo Winkler-Ioffreda, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra. Coleman Herbert is Co-Executive Producer and Nellie Reed and Anna Beben serve as Producers. Y: The Last Man is produced by FX Productions.
CAST (series regulars):
- Diane Lane/ “Congresswoman Jennifer Brown”
- Ben Schnetzer/ “Yorick Brown”
- Ashley Romans/ “Agent 355”
- Diana Bang/ “Dr. Allison Mann”
- Juliana Canfield/ “Beth”
- Amber Tamblyn/ “Kimberly Campbell Cunningham”
- Olivia Thirlby/ “Hero Brown”
- Elliot Fletcher/ “Sam”
- Marin Ireland/ “Nora Brady”
- Missi Pyle/ “Roxanne”