Such Brave Girls

Dysfunctional family sitcom following sisters Josie (Kat Sadler) and Billie (played by Kat’s real-life sister, Lizzie Davidson) and their single mother Deb (Louise Brealey) navigating life armed with nothing but poor judgement and self-esteem exclusively tied to people who couldn’t care less about them. They’re vain, selfish, heavily in debt, pathologically desperate for affection and bursting with misplaced, terrifying love.

CAST: Kat Sadler, Lizzie Davidson, Louise Brealey and Paul Bazely

CREDITS: “Such Brave Girls” is a VAL/A24 production (6 x 30) for BBC Three and BBC iPlayer. It was commissioned by Jon Petrie, Director of Comedy at the BBC. The Executive Producers for VAL are Jack Bayles and Phil Clarke and the Commissioning Editor for the BBC is Gregor Sharp.

Written and created by Kat Sadler. Directed by Simon Bird (“The Inbetweeners,” “Friday Night Dinner”).

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