Looking For Alaska is an 8-episode limited series based on the John Green novel of the same name. It centers around teenager Miles “Pudge” Halter (Charlie Plummer), as he enrolls in boarding school to try to gain a deeper perspective on life. He falls in love with Alaska Young (Kristine Froseth), and finds a group of loyal friends. But after an unexpected tragedy, Miles and his close friends attempt to make sense of what they’ve been through.
The series stars Charlie Plummer, Kristine Froseth, Denny Love, Jay Lee, Landry Bender, Sofia Vassilieva, Uriah Shelton, and Jordan Connor. Ron Cephas Jones (This Is Us) and Timothy Simons (Veep) also star.
Created for television by Josh Schwartz, the series comes from Paramount Television and Schwartz and Stephanie Savage’s Fake Empire. Savage and Schwartz will serve as executive producers. alongside Jessica Tuchinsky, Mark Waters, John Green, and Marty Bowen and Isaac Klausner of Temple Hill. Fake Empire exec Lis Rowinski will co-executive produce. Sarah Adina Smith (“Hanna” and “Legion”) directs the first episode.