High Hopes

“High Hopes” is a workplace reality series following Belarus-born brothers Slava and Mishka, and their stoned crew through the trials and tribulations of taking their cannabis business to new heights. As one of the oldest cannabis dispensaries in Hollywood, MMD attracts a wild mix of weed-loving customers and is a home away from home for their OG employees who work hard and smoke harder! This season builds to their biggest day of the year—4.20—as the gang attempts to expand nationwide and release their own top-shelf cannabis brand. Will they find what they’re looking for or will their hopes go up in smoke?

Credits: Produced by: Kimmelot, ITV America “High Hopes” is executive produced by Jimmy Kimmel, Scott Lonker, Ben Steinbauer, Tim Cohen-Laurie and Karl Hollandt. Jennifer Stander serves as co-executive producer. Steinbauer also serves as showrunner.

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