“Class of ’09” is a suspense thriller limited series that follows a class of FBI agents set in three distinct points in time who grapple with immense changes as the U.S. criminal justice system is altered by artificial intelligence. Spanning multiple decades and told across interweaving timelines, the series examines the nature of justice, humanity and the choices we make that ultimately define our lives and legacy.
“Class of ’09” is created and executive produced by Tom Rob Smith. Nina Jacobson, Brad Simpson, Zanne Devine, Jessica Levin and Joe Robert Cole also serve as executive producers. The series is produced by FX Productions.
Brian Tyree Henry – “Tayo”
Kate Mara – “Poet”
Sepiden Moafi – “Hour”
Brian J. Smith – “Lennix”
Jon Jon Briones – “Gabriel”
Brooke Smith – “Drew”
Jake McDorman – “Murphy”
Rosalind Eleazar – “Vivienne”