This brand-new unscripted four-part documentary series with Keanu Reeves (“John Wick,” “The Matrix Resurrections”) tells the remarkable story of how, in 2009, competing in the most expensive and technologically advanced racing series on Earth, the impossible happened. An understaffed, underfinanced and independent team won the World Championship – with a team that cost just £1. Go behind the scenes of this Formula 1 fairytale with the people who were there – on the track, in the garage and the boardroom – giving their own thrilling versions of a miraculous year. Expect exclusive access to the F1 archives – much of it previously unseen – from a year that global sport will never forget, with contributions from British F1 driver Jenson Button and Ross Brawn, who led the team to victory.
NARRATOR: Keanu Reeves
CREDITS: The series is a North One production developed and produced by showrunner Simon Hammerson and directed by 2022 Broadcast best sports documentary winner Daryl Goodrich. Executive Producers are Keanu Reeves, Sean Doyle and Neil Duncanson.