ABC News Studios’ investigative No. 1-rated documentary series “Truth and Lies” returns with three captivating new episodes that reveal hidden truths and untold accounts from an infamous crime, a catastrophic event that dominated headlines, and an elusive cult. Each two-hour episode is an in-depth look behind the scenes of these chilling events. The first episode chronicles the twists and turns in the decade-long investigation to find the Long Island serial killer; the second episode unfolds the tragic story of entrepreneur Stockton Rush, his vision for an innovative submersible that would take adventurous tourists down to the Titanic wreckage, and his ill-fated voyage; and the final episode delves into the polygamist Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) community and the controversial life of their leader, Warren Jeffs, who still proves dangerous even behind bars.
Truth and Lies
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